
Thursday, 31 May 2012

Photolucinda 2011 Christopher Capozziello
do bloga...

Sometimes pictures are made that offer little understanding. Sometimes we walk away with questions that offer no answers. The more time I spend with Klansmen, Klanswomen, and their families, the more I find myself with the unanswered questions of why these specific people believe what they believe. Yet sometimes, in rare moments, someone in front of my lens begins to open up in ways that can give us a glimpse into answering these “Why” questions. It is always because of something else. Something deeper. Something behind it all. One summer night in 2002, after hours of interviewing, I turned off my tape recorder and stopped asking questions of David, a young member of the Klan. He lay on the hood of his car outside a trailer, and, looking up at the night sky, he explained to me that two black men murdered his mother in 1992, when he was only twelve years old. His voice was hard when he told me this, but not angry. She was a taxicab company owner, and they robbed her, getting away with only $17. I had just spent hours with him, asking him questions and I had come nowhere near this. It seemed David had a reason to turn to something so dark, yet it was a reason he could not even vocalize. Earlier that same night, while explaining to me how the Klan justifies what they believe, David quoted John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” I told him about a friend who was Catholic, and an African-American man. I wanted to know if he would not be permitted eternal life based on that scripture. David paused a moment and said he had never thought about it that way before and that, based on the scripture, my friend would have eternal life. A couple of months later, I received an email from David, and he said that, based on my questions and our conversations, he began to feel that the Klan had it wrong, and that he had decided to leave – all of this because of some questions.

Photolucida 2005 Michal Chelbin

Jan Pospieszalski i prof W. Binienda proba analizy katastrofy w Smolensku

Czy nauka może być pomocna w badaniu katastrof lotniczych? Czy rząd polski zwrócił się do świata nauki o pomoc w wyjaśnieniu największego wypadku w powojennej historii Polski? Gośćmi programu są Wiesław Binienda i Antoni Macierewicz.

Yvette Marie Dostatni - photography

Bruce Gilden - Coney Island (2005)

I am not quite sure what I think about this style of photography. I am sure that Bruce Gilden is a great guy, but I really question his style. I have always had the rather primitive idea that talent should be handled with care, and that celebrity status should go hand in hand with a certain sense of humility. I am not sure what kind of role modeling that comes of out of intimidating people. It is quite clear to me that some people are victimized here. Is this the type street photography that we would want?

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Jamie Cullum BBC3 music list on 15.05.2012

Jamie Cullum plays an hour of jazz music ranging from its heritage to its future.
This week, Jamie meets up with Jasper Høiby, the bassist and founder of London-based jazz trio, Phronesis. The pair discuss the reasons Jasper picked up the bass guitar, which led to him starting the reputable jazz trio Phronesis.
They also talk about his latest release, which came about from playing concerts in total darkness in dedication to Jasper's visually impaired sister.

Etta James — Fool That I Am
The Second Time Around, Argo Records
Vince Guaraldi Trio — Cast Your Fate To The Wind
Jazz Impressions Of Black Orpheus, Fantasy Records
 A Tribe Called Quest — Ham ‘N’ Eggs
People’s Instinctive Travels And The Paths Of Rhythm, Jive Records
Phronesis Interview
 Chick Corea — Matrix
Now He Sings, Now He Sobs, Solid State Records
Phronesis — Suede Trees
Walking Dark, Edition Records
Outhouse — Bara Mbaye
Ruhabi, Loop Records
Maxine Sullivan — Legalize My Name
Overjazz Records
Hauschka — La Dilettante
Room To Expand, Fat Cat Records
 Alice Coltrane — Stopover Bombay
Journey In Satchidananda, Impulse! Records
 James Brown — Escape-Ism
King Records

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Moyenne Island - one men and 120 tortoises

Photography 1827 -1991

Burke + Norfolk: Photographs From The War In Afghanistan

In October 2010, Simon Norfolk began a series of photographs in Afghanistan, taking his cue from the work of nineteenth-century British photographer John Burke, who photographed the second Anglo-Afghan war, 1878-1880. "The reason I am here, is to articulate my anger about what's happening in this war, and the brutality that's being visited on Afghanistan by barbarians, imperialists. The beauty is just a vehicle. If I thought I could get across the points I want to make without beauty, then I would dump beauty tomorrow. "Ten sorry, miserable years have gone by. Ten years of warfare, tens of thousands of Afghans murdered, lots of Europeans and Americans killed as well, half a trillion dollars spent, billions wasted, and nothing achieved, nothing, nothing, nothing achieved." See also:

 Almost no one today shoots group portraits – I wonder why?
 I decided to follow Burke’s lead and make a portrait of the city by making portraits of the citizens of the city. In his time Kabul consisted of just Afghans and a few British soldiers. Today the city has been almost completely internationalised by NGOs; returning émigrés; fast-buck contractors and (the paymasters of them all) the foreign embassies and ISAF. Afghans are set to one side, the 'Internationals' are the decision makers in this town now – the Ministries rubber-stamp decisions made in the US Embassy which is now a small city in it's own right.
Did you know the Embassy is building it's own Sheraton?

Freaks dir. Tod Browning 1932

The shout dir. Jerzy Skolimowski 1978

Monday, 14 May 2012

Koncepcja fotografii dokumentalnej skoncentrowanej na problemach „śladu” i „pamięci”, jako trwałego obrazu człowieka

Co znaczy zamieszkiwać jakieś miejsce? Można tłumaczyć to pojęcie filozoficznie, jak czynili to wielcy myśliciele, można też prościej – przez poczucie przynależności i tożsamości. Jestem stąd, bo tutaj spędziłem/spędziłam życie, bo zostawiłam/zostawiłem swój ślad, bo żyję w pamięci innych i inni żyją w mojej pamięci. Co jednak będzie, gdy zapomnę i inni zapomną o mnie? Fotografia ma świadczyć nie tylko o czasie, lecz także o przestrzeni.

Projekt ten ma zatrzymać w naszej pamięci „wizerunek prostego człowieka”. Pokazać go w pełni jego „bycia”. Ten typ fotografii najlepiej interpretować opierając się na poglądach Rolanda Barthes’a ze Światła obrazu, ktorey zaakcentował poczucie zarodka bólu, czyli słynnego i jakże trafnego określenia – punctum, które jest także naszą walką ze śmiercią, a precyzując – oswajaniem jej. Obszar fotografii zaznaczony przemijaniem i starością.

Kontynuując tradycję dawnej fotografii portret, trwanie w niej w koncepcji fotografii czarno-białej, bycie z portretowanym autor pragnie się zbliżyć, na ile jest to możliwe, do istoty człowieczeństwa.


Grizzly Man dir. Wernera Herzoga

Dla jednych pasjonujacy i jedyny w swoim rodzaju film, dla innych kontrowersyjna i prowokacyjna historia obroncy niedzwiedzi grizzly, ktory pozostawil po sobie kilka wywiadow i material filmowy, ktory nastepnie W. Herzog dokonczyl. Tragiczna historia, w ktorej mozna odnalezc piekno filmowe, milosc do dzikich zwierzat i prowokacyjna medytacje na temat ludzkiego romansu z mitem natury i niewinnosci.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Jamie Cullum BBC3 music list on 08.05.2012

This week's show was recorded backstage at the 2012 Cheltenham Jazz Festival.
Running from 2-7 May, the festival features a top range of current and established jazz artists including Gregory Porter, C.W. Stoneking, Candi Staton, Imelda May, Roberto Fonseca and Melody Gardot.
He will also be picking out some of the best new jazz releases of the month and a few of his favourite classic gems.

C.W. Stoneking — The Love Me Or Die
Jungle Blues, King Hokum Records
Zara McFarlane — Blossom Tree
Until Tomorrow, Brownswood Recordings
 Ray Charles — Roll With My Baby
What I’d Say, Atlantic Records
Helge Lien Trio — Afrikapolka
Natsukashii, Ozella Music
Chris Potter Interview
Chris Potter — Family Tree
A Song For Everyone, Sunnyside Records
 Jacqui Dankworth — The Man
It Happens Quitely, Specific Jazz
 Kit Downes Trio — Boreal
Quiet Tiger, Basho Records
Kit Downes And Seb Rochford Interview
 Polar Bear — Bear Town (Live At BBC Maida Vale)
Sebastian Rochford, Ranjana Ghatak, Gina Loring — Love A Sacred Path (LV Remix)
The Leaf Label
Abram Wilson Interview
Abram Wilson — Duel Of The Drum (Live At BBC Maida Vale)
Jamie Cullum and Gregory Porter Live Duet
Jamie Cullum And Gregory Porter — Gran Torino

Jamie Cullum music list on 01.05.2012


Jamie Cullum plays an hour of jazz music ranging from its heritage to its future. This week, he features Jeb Loy Nichols in session with his full band at the BBC Maida Vale Studios.
Jeb Loy Nichols is an American-born singer-songwriter and musician currently living in Wales. His music contains influences of blues, country, reggae and jazz. He performs tracks from his latest album, The Jeb Loy Nichols Special, which was released last month.

Joe Williams And The Thad Jones / Mel Lewis Jazz Orchestra — Hallelujah I Love Her So
Presenting Joe Williams and Thad Jones/Mel Lewis, The Jazz Orchestra, Solid State Records
Tino Contreras — Jazz En El Cairo
Jazz, Musart Records
Mac Rebennack — Storm Warning
Rex Records
 Amerie — 1 Thing
Touch, Columbia Records
 Keith Jarrett — Mortgage On My Soul
Birth, Wounded Bird Records
BBC Maida Vale Session Track
 Jeb Loy Nichols — Hard Times (Live From Maida Vale)
Brad Mehldau Trio — Aquaman
Ode, Nonesuch Records
 Nostalgia 77 — Eastwind
Everything Under The Sun, Tru Thoughts
BBC Maida Vale Session Track
 Jeb Loy Nichols — Disappointment (Live At BBC Maida Vale)
 Thelonious Monk — Round Midnight
Genius Of Modern Music: Volume 1, Blue Note Records
 Pharoahe Monch — Still Standing (Featuring Jill Scott)
W.A.R (We Are Renegades), Duck Down Records

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

filmy do obejrzenia

- francuskie: A. Resnais "Zeszłego roku w Marienbadzie", J. Cocteau, R. Clement "Piękna i Bestia", J. Cocteau "Orfeusz", J. Cocteau "Testament Orfeusza", J.-L. Godard "Do utraty tchu" -- np. problem tożsamości;

- włoskie: Fellini, Passolini, Antonioni

- skandynawskie: I. Bergman, L. von Trier

- hiszpańskie: C. Saura, P. Almodovar, L. Bunuel

zagadnienia: tożsamość, wolność (np. "Widmo wolności" Bunuela), czas ("Zeszłego roku w Marienbadzie") itp.

Debiutantka, Sam na sam

slow pare

Uwierz w siebie naprawdę, a inni zrobią to samo.!

Jestem RASISTĄ bo krytykuję Obamę; TERRORYSTĄ bo jestem przeciwko działaniom osi zła Nato; ANTYSEMITĄ, bo nie popieram polityki Izraela; ZDRAJCĄ, bo głośno wypowiadam się przeciwko skorumpowanemu rządowi mojej ojczyzny; ANTY-POLAKIEM, bo "ośmielam się" krytykować poczynania nieżyjącego prezydenta; TEORETYKIEM KONSPIRACJI za prezentowanie udokumentowanych faktów; TROLEM za publikowanie faktów niewygodnych ignorantom; ANTY-SPOŁECZNIAKIEM za brak zgody na obecnie obowiązujące "normy" społeczne...

Cóż, mogło być gorzej - mógłbym stać cichutko w rzędzie i być jedną z tych ślepych OWIEC SPOŁECZNYCH nadużywających powyższych określeń.

Big Lebowski dir. Joel Coen, Ethan Coen

Filmy o hippisach to rzadkość. A już film, w którym hippis odgrywa najważniejszą rolę, to zupełnie niewiarygodna sprawa. Jednak pewne znane w Hollywood rodzeństwo postanowiło bohaterem recenzowanego filmu uczynić właśnie leniwego, mającego wszystko w głębokim poważaniu człowieka, który nadal żyje w latach 80., choć te już dawno się skończyły. Historia opowiedziana w tym obrazie jest historią komediowo-ironiczną, a czarnego humoru naprawdę nie brakuje. Kilka tekstów bez problemu powinno otrzymać miano kultowych, żeby przytoczyć tutaj choćby słynne "Shut a fuck up, Donny!", spływające raz po raz z ust jednego z bohaterów, Waltera Sobchaka. Ale teksty tekstami. Tutaj nie one odgrywają najważniejszą rolę. Ważniejsze od nich są bez wątpienia brawurowe postacie, wykreowane przez genialnych aktorów. Kogo mam na myśli?